Saturday, 5 November 2011

Investigating Record Label: Virgin Records

Virgin Record's current logo
The record label I decided to research is Virgin Records who Jamie T (our artist) is currently signed to. Virgin Records is a British record label founded by English entrepreneur Richard Branson who owns and run the whole "Virgin" business. During it's years of success, Virgin Records grew to be a worldwide music phenomenon with a number of signed platinum performers such as Genesis, Lenny Kravirz, The Smashing Pumpkins and more. The record label brought a lot of attention in the music business which resulted in the company being sold to Thorn EMI in the early months of 1993. Thorm EMI was a major British company involved in consumer electronics, music and retail.

The company went thought a lot of modifications. In June 1992,  Virgin Records were sold by Richard Brandson to Thorn EMI for a total sum of $1 billion which is around £560 million. After being taken over by Thorn EMI, the company launches several subsidiaries like:

- Realworld Records
- Hut Records
- Innocent Records

Real World Logo

Old as well as new artists begun work with the music company. One of the most important musicians are:

30 Second to Mars
Janet Jackson
Tina Turner
Rolling Stones
Spice Girls etc... 

Capitol Records Logo

In 2000, the company opened another root of its company called" Virgin Nashville which were focused on recording country music in United States.

Capitol Records and Virgin Records were merged in 2007 to create Capitol Music Group.

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