Friday, 23 March 2012

Album Artwork [Overall Evaluation]

Freddy&TheLetdowns Album Artwork [Digipack]
The overall evaluation of how effective the artwork is:
  • I think the artwork is very effective, because it show the background information about the band and the whole music that they are in to. The people that would like to buy the album are being welcome by the faces of all of the band members. This makes an effect of an artist ensuring that it's worth buying the whole album by putting his face to the front. It also shows the mood the album is recorded in as well as the music video eg. clubbing/partying/drinking/hangover mood. 
  • In case of design, we did it the way so part of the image is in dark and another one is in the light, so it will be easy to putting the logo of the band and the title of the album in the darker bit. As you can see above we put the logo and all of the writings in white so it stands out from the photo and it is easy to read it. The name of the main artist is also made bigger, so if people are looking for his music they see his name first and then the backing up band below the main writing. 
  • The front cover also shows the pub which can be easily recognised by the fans from the music video of "Ike and Tina". We put the location there on purpose because it is easier for people to connect all the facts&information together and make up their mind about the band/album and the whole artistic side. 
  • The font that has been used in the front cover looks like it is hand written. We did it on purpose so it actually fits into the style and it links to the letter writing (NHS letter) which is seen in the music video.
  • There is also more light added to it, so the audience will get the sense of partying life/hangover mood of the artist. Also there is some symbolism. The "&" symbol looks like it's a music symbol. This symbolises the artistic side of the album artwork.

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