Thursday, 15 December 2011

Intertextuality and Music Videos [illustrated]

The music video that are being made in today's society are most likely to be considered as postmodern videos. They are likely to be focused on the existing text and media from industries like:
1). Television
2). Cinema
3). Theatre
4). Videos
5). Costumes
6). Fashion/Art/Photography

This is used to inspire new ideas and authors are most likely to be influenced by the things listed above. This then impresses and attracts the existing and new audience. So therefore some of the existing music videos may be related and contain the references of the list already mentioned by me. It can reference to the text/genre. This might create greater pleasure for the audience when they watch the video they like.

Intertextua references may also be presented in many other forms. They may be presented as parodies which are:

1). Humorous
2). Satirical
3). Mocking

The idea of intertextuality was introduced by Julia Kristeva who is Bulgarian-French philosopher. She was arguing against the idea of a text as a isolated medium which operates withing self-contained manner. She says that: "Any text is the absorption and transformation of another". 

The examples of the music videos are:

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