Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Analysis of Music Video no.1

                                                                 Coldplay - Paradise
The music video by Coldplay shows the audience really strong narrative of escaping/feeling free. We can relate it to the issue concerning Africa which we can see in the first seconds of the video where we are being introduced by the various number of the animals. It also shows us the landscape of Africa with the title : Paradise in the middle. The music video shows how people can be related to animals and how we can also free ourselves from the issues and problems that are going on around us. The video begins with the music straight away and cut aways to the animal as well to introduce the character. 

After we are being bombarded with the shots and close ups on the elephant who is in the jail and has no way of escaping. This image is really strong as it shows the main message of the music video which links with the lyrics as well. The elephant acts and behaves like an adult, so we can see the relation between ourselves and the character of the animal in the music video.

After we jump to a scene where the elephant is being chased by the guards and he is escaping from them. This is really strong scene as it relates to the title in 100%. There is always a contrast between it but it is easier for the audience to connect everything together. The sense of Paradise and escaping from somewhere we were forced to stay makes us think about the issues concerning the world like: slavery in many African countries which is still going on until now.

After just seeing 36 seconds of the music video we can see the first prop that can help us to relate it to the society we live in today and the place we live in which is London. In the shot you can see the elephant finding a Barclays Bike (ordinary bike) which is used by many Londoners around the city, so the people that watch it recognise the logo straight away and links it with the capital. As London has a huge population of people with different needs of music, this music video is attracting the audience really nicely by setting most of the scenes in the Central London and showing the most recognisable logos and signs by the people living in the city.
 In the underground we can see that the character is using placards to express he's feelings. This makes an effect of trying to understand the character more and he's trying to say something to us. This jumps quickly to the scene with the plane departing from the airport. This is another really strong image which relates to the title of the song and the feeling of freedom and getting away from something/forgetting about things. The plane represents the symbol of freedom and flying away from place to place. As the audience we are still not sure who is hidden under the elephant costumes and the whole magic is broken for a minute when Chris, the lead singer takes the head of and shows his face.

After that shot we already know that the artist hides behind the mask, but he reached the paradise. This might also pass a message of the band reaching their aim by making this album and letting it out to the public. The paradise might also imply the state the band is in and the success they gained by publishing the album and the main song which is Paradise. The mood of the music video changes when after the long journey, the elephant finally finds his "family" who is represented by the rest of the band hidden behind the costume.

The scene might also imply the idea of reuniting together and sticking together so everything will be all right and we all be secure. This might also relate to the elephant animals that are under threat of being killed by other people in the African deserts. Those cases might link together to create an image, or it might just simply be the audience unusual interpretation.

At the end of the music video we are travelling between the desert and the actual Coldplay concert where all of the band members are wearing the animal masks and all stick together to bow in front of the audience. This might create a message that the problems that were represented before are not really happening in our society and people need to be more aware of the issues that are being happening around the world. Or maybe my interpretation is just too brutal and they just wanted to make fun of their work and do something new to just simply promote/sell their album.

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