Monday, 24 October 2011

Sexual Objectification in The Music Videos

The idea of Voyeurism

The idea explains the gendered pleasures of cinema, referring to the idea of looking in order to gain sexual pleasure from the things we are watching on the screen. It has been argued that the male viewers' gaze at the screen is geared to notions of voyeurism in that it is a powerful controlling gaze at the objectified female on display. An example of the music video that links to this idea the most is Eric Prydz - Call on me.

Goodwin on Voyeurism
He says that the female artists and actresses will be objectifies in the way they are now at all the time. This will be done by a combination of different types of shots with close-ups and extreme close-ups used the most time. The camera work will also contain some part of their body which will have an effect of sexualisation or sexual treatment of the star. 

Laura Mulvey
Mulvey says that they are also three different ways or forms of 'looking':

- camera to characters
- between characters on screen
- the audience looking at the screen

All of this forms make up a 'controlling gaze' for a male audience for the specific music video.      

The Male Body
But there is also the evidence in the media that male image is represented in the music videos in the way so the actually make up scopophilic pleasure which the female audience can benefit on and it shows complete contrast to the Godwin's theory.

Below you can see the example of the music videos that contain some of the theories listed above:


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