Sunday, 19 February 2012

Casting Choices

After the initial discussion about the choice for the people who would act as our main artist we begun to sort everything out. From the three people that were considered, we chose only one. It was Archie Harris-Eva. As we were looking for people that fit into our main idea of the artist, he seemed to be the right person. After test footage of him, we realised that he co-operates really well with us and the camera "loves him". After couple of days of planning, we found out that Archie was unable to film the footage most of the same, because he couldn't take free time from work and school. This made us to choose the second option.
Archie Harris-Eva
We contacted out second casting person who was Sam Barnham. He was also considered to be the main artist before, but as we though Archie will be available most of the time he finnaly decided on him. Unfortunately the time management issued made us to finally start filming with Sam who was a great person to work with. He co-operated with us all the time and listened to director's advice. We managed to film the whole footage really quickly without any majot problems. After couple days of filming we realised how well he fits into the main idea of our artist.
Sam Barnham
After couple of days, we contacted Archie to ask him if he wants to be part of the backing up group "TheLetdowns" who would help our artist Freddy and make the whole project work. He did agreeand we started to take scenes with the whole band which also consists of: Tom/Harry too who can be seen on the group photo below!
TheLetdowns: Archie/Harry/Tom and our main artist Freddy (Sam Barnham)
Another characters that we were also considering were young kids (male) between age of 9-12. After further discussion we made the age limit from 11-13 because we though that it will be a little bit hard to work with younger kids as they might not understand all of our important intentions during filming. The kids that were chosen to act as a police men were: Juliusz Podbielski and Dawid Pedzisz. The main reason was that both of the boys are young actors who already have some acting experiences. This is because since age of 6 they are both playing in the Polish Youth Theatre.
Hannah Watson - Girl playing the woman in the music video

 Another important person in the music video was the girl that Freddy is about to have sex with. Through our casting options that we had, we have chosen Hannah as she's our close friend who is also doing Drama&Acting for her A-Levels. This meant for us that she will have a lot of experience and she won't have problems when it comes to acting in front of the video. Also she will look the performance look realistic.
Background people (Party Scene)
It was obvious for us that scenes like party when we need a lot of background character won't work without our friends. So after school we have decided to invite them to the filming of the footage which took place in professional Drama Studio in our school. Having a lot of people in the background would add some chemistry to the overall look of the scenes and shots.

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