Friday, 24 February 2012

Reasons for Choice of Artist

We had many options when it came to the choice of artist. We did not want to work on a video of any artist who is already known worldwide and is on music channels (eg. MTV Music) all the time. So we decided to choose unknown artist, still sticking to our main idea of perfect artist. The are many reason why we chose to work on Jamie T's music video and him to be our main artist.
Jamie T - Sticks and Stones Official Music Video
  • First reason for choosing him was that the artist is very local and he lives and records his music in Wimbledon which is in South West London, about 30 minutes travel from our school. This made it easier for us to relate to his music. Also people from our class and those who we are going present our music video to may already know him, not from YouTube videos but from the "word of mouth". 
  • Another reason is that the music that he represents is easy to catch people's ear. His music is a mixture of different music styles which made us think that it may lead to the music video having wider audience out there. It is the kind of music that youths/younger people can realate as he is singing about his life and experience/parties/alcohol. This makes the younger people being more attracted as this is the kind of right life style they want to live in too.
  • The last point we have is that the artist visually is attractive for the public. He dresses following the latest style and brands. This was alsom easier for us to choose him as there is a lot of people that followe the same style as him, so there will be no problem with the costumes during filming.

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